APA 6th Edition Referencing Guide: your research paper could become an example to follow

If you know how to write a great research paper, you must know that copyright and academic conventions law requires you to acknowledge when you use other people ideas. This means you need to state which journal article or book is the source of a quotation or idea. Do you need a research paper example APA 6th edition to complete your project? We shall discuss some of the key points you will find in a sample research paper APA format 6th edition.

List of references

As you complete your essay, you will need to place a references list on what you cited in your paper. You need to arrange this in an alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors, and then chronologically in case you have cited an author more than once. The surname of the author is to be placed first followed by their first name or initials, and then the year they gave the publication. In case your list has several items from the same author(s), the same year, consider adding lower case letters immediately after the year so that the reader can distinguish them. These are to be alphabetically ordered by title, and you should disregard any articles like (an, a, or the).

  • Only the sources used in any submission are to be included in the reference list. APA Style doesn’t need bibliographies but reference lists.
  • The list is to start with a new page and the heading –References- is to be placed at the center of the page.
  • All reference lists should be double-spaced.
  • The entries of reference lists must be indented 12mm or half an inch (5-7 spaces) on the 2nd and subsequent lines of a list for each entry. A hanging indent is preferred. This means that the entries should start to flush left, and then the 2nd and subsequent lines are indented.
  • Entries are to be arranged by the author’s surname in alphabetical order according to how the letters appear.
  • In case there isn’t an author, the title will be moved to the position of the author. If the title starts with numerals, you could spell them out.
  • Territories and States are to be abbreviated on the publication information’s location section. If it’s a state in the U.S. states, be sure to use the official two-lettered abbreviations used by the postal service. When it comes to Australian states, be sure to use the official 2 or 3 letter abbreviations used by the postal service.
  • When mentioning countries outside the United States or Australia, spell out their names.
  • In case a publisher happens to be a university, and the name of the institution include the state don’t repeat the state’s name on the location section.

Although this referencing guide is provided to help you know how to reference, be sure to consider your University’s policy. Exercise care and make sure that the referencing complies with the university’s library guide.

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